
  • Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine

    Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine (IDHM) is an international, Open Access, peer-reviewed, authoritative journal providing basic and applied research. The Journal publishes original research reports, editorials, letters to the editor, rapid communications, case studies and reviews articles focusing on all aspects of infectious disease and herbal medicine including geographic, seasonal, and other risk factors that influence the transmission, diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, management, and prevention of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi, and identifies global trends that have the potential to result in major epidemics.


    Welcome to Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine:
    a message from the Editor-in-Chief

    Welcome to the online-only, international, Open Access, peer-reviewed journal, Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine (IDHM). The journal focuses on all aspects of infectious disease and herbal medicine including geographic, seasonal, and other risk factors that influence the transmission, diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, management and prevention of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, and identifies global trends that have the potential to result in major epidemics. This journal examines the current role of herbal medicine in infectious disease. Plant chemicals are useful for infection control and with the increasing resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to standard therapies, the alternative treatments are being re-explored with some urgency.

    IDHM publishes original articles, reports, editorials, letters to the editor, rapid communications, case studies, and reviews, providing a venue for integrated and global approaches to infectious and herbal medicine. Our audience might be veterinary and medical scientists, infectious disease specialists, pharmacology specialists, virologists and public health researchers among others.

    It is an honor for me to lead this new journal, also given the wide breadth of this rapidly-evolving field. Since a single person cannot handle the whole editorial process alone, a small and selected group of Associate Editors has been appointed, and I would like to thank them for what will come. Similarly, I would like to thank PAGEPress Publications for supporting me through this thrilling new journey.

    I look forward to working with all of you in your role as authors, reviewers or editors. As Editor-in-Chief, I welcome suggestions, discussions and thoughts from authors and readers to help me understand and address any concerns about the Journal. Our online platform allows easy submission and fair peer-review in line with the principles of Open Access publishing. With the cooperation of the Editorial Board and all of you, I do hope that the journal quality and recognition will grow significantly. I am sure you will join me in my goal of working to make IDHM a great international journal.

    Dr. Faham Khamesipour
    Founder and Editor-in-Chief

  • Mesothelioma Today

    Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, the protective layer of tissue protecting most internal organs. Pleural mesothelioma, the most common variant, is a malignancy that impacts the tissue encasing the lungs.

    Chest pain, dyspnoea, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and subcutaneous nodules on the chest are symptoms potentially linked to mesothelioma. Additional symptoms encompass lethargy. Various forms and stages of cancer might elicit these symptoms to present in diverse manners.

    In several instances, malignancies such as mesothelioma are induced by exposure to asbestos, a fibrous mineral that was often employed in the manufacture of construction materials until recently. Asbestos exposure is predominantly encountered in occupational settings, including building sites, shipyards, and factories. Moreover, asbestos exposure can occur through secondary contact, which happens when an individual interacts with someone employed in asbestos-related activities.

    This publication aims to be a crucial reference for medical professionals and researchers engaged in the study and treatment of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

    No money is required for the processing of articles in this publication.

  • Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia

    Il Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia is a scientific journal dealing with Occupational Medicine(Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Occupational Toxicology) and Ergonomics (Evaluation of the Human-Work Relationship, Occupational Rehabilitation, Occupational Psychology, Bioengineering).

    The journal publishes original articles, literature reviews, letters to the editor and reviews related to its topics.

    GIMLE is indexed by major sites, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica, as well as being listed in Clarivate Analytics' Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

  • TeleMedicine International

    TeleMedicine International is an open access international peer reviewed journal aiming at investigating the actual significance of telemedicine, telehealth, medical informatics and clinical automation, their use and possible developments, the health technology assessment and the economic impact of digital health revolutions.

    The TeleMedicine International journal strongly supports the use of real multidisciplinary approaches and analyses in the original research, preliminary studies, debates and perspectives from the medical, technical, education and social disciplines, which impact can be used for the evaluation of scientific developments to improve efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of telemedicine interventions. The Journal welcomes newsworthy results for clinical practices related to e-health and telemedicine management activities and health policy.