Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): physiology to pathophysiology and therapeutics including herbal medicines

Published: September 4 2023
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COVID-19 emerged as a public health emergency of international concern in 2019 and spread globally. The spectrum of the diseases varied from asymptomatic to severe, even resulting in mortality. Gender and pre-existing co-morbidities were identifiable risk factors. Diabetes, hypertension, and chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases pose a risk of severe infections and manifestations. The vulnerability was due to ACE 2 receptors, thereby enhancing the entry and subsequent multiplication of the virus. Immune responses acted as the two-way sword, with cytokine storms posing a risk of severe complications. COVID-19 is also associated with long-term effects varying from neuropsychiatric to other complications. Mutations are expected to pose a challenge in the future. The second wave was also related to fungal infections due to varied causes like side effects of treatment and opportunistic infection due to immune suppression from using steroids. Naturopathy is also expected to work wonders. However, scientific and evidence-based results are required. COVID combat requires a multi-level approach. Nutrition and strict adherence to health and hygiene are essential preventive strategies.



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How to Cite

Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): physiology to pathophysiology and therapeutics including herbal medicines. (2023). Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine, 4(1).

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