The emergence of Monkeypox Virus: its complications, connection with smallpox and its future aspects - a short review

Submitted: 27 January 2024
Accepted: 18 June 2024
Published: 12 September 2024
Abstract Views: 102
PDF: 52
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Monkeypox Virus (MPXV), a zoonotic orthopox DNA virus related to the smallpox virus, was first identified in humans in 1970. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox an "evolving hazard of moderate public health concern" on 23 June 2022. Case reports included in this study showed that all patients with typical rashes and risky sexual behaviour should be encouraged to seek immediate medical attention. If a patient has had sexual contact, a diagnosis of monkeypox should be considered even if the patient does not travel to other countries. According to authentic proof from Africa, smallpox immunization is at least 85% successful at avoiding monkeypox. Given the inadequate health infrastructure in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC), it would be extremely challenging to implement vaccination as a regular component of immunization programs. Patients with monkeypox may experience complications, including bacterial superinfection, encephalitis, pneumonia, and conjunctivitis/keratitis. Seldom-recorded complications incorporate bronchopneumonia, spewing, and corneal scarring, leading to lasting visual deficiency. Lowering the risk of transmission from person to person, reducing the risk of zoonotic transmission, preventing monkeypox by limiting the trade in animals, engaging the LGBTQIA community, and vaccination may reduce and control monkeypox.



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How to Cite

Chettri, D. D. (2024). The emergence of Monkeypox Virus: its complications, connection with smallpox and its future aspects - a short review. Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine, 5(1).